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Les Agustines Germanes de l'Empar is based on the anthropology of Sant Agustí, which sustains our peculiar pedagogy.

The objectius definits a l'ideari agustinià are:


With an educational center

  • Promote the integral formation of the person, mitjançant the harmonic development of all the physical, psychological, sociocultural and transcendent potentialities.

  • Develop personal skills, stimulating creativity and research. Foster a critical esperit davant d'opcions de la vida. Create working habits and dynamic skills to face new situations and be able to participate in the transformation of society.

  • To favor the personalized and liberating teaching because our students follow the craftsmen of their own education.

With a catholic educational center

  • Transmit a Christian education that visqui personally and communitarianly the faith.

  • To train students with values because they act in life, personally and communally, according to evangelical criteria and attitudes.

  • Impart a school religious education according to the orientations of the Catholic Church.

  • Concreate the moral education of the students in the double personal and social dimension.

De la mos paracaídas

With a center educatiu agustinià


Our identitat i finalitats educatives assumeixen con a principis bàsics:

  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Infants, the documents on education of the Church and the constitutional legal framework and Spanish education.

  • The Augustinian educational attitude of researching truth and openness to transcendence, based on the anthropology of Sant Agustí and the pedagogical style of the Augustinians.

  • Educate per a lestudi, he reflected on it and interioritat.

  • Fer de l'alumne a person lliure, responsible and aware of their values, but may disassociate themselves from others, since in the relationship between them it is the seu ésser home.

  • To ensure that the student, with our proximity, felt satisfied and happy with the female, in the relationships with the professors and companies and in all the activities of the life of the school.

  • Initiate the student in the experience of friendship with the process of opening als als and transcendence.

With the center of the German Augustines of l'Empar

  • Build the pau that shines of justice.

  • Defend the truth per viure en llibertat.

  • To be sensitive davant dels goigs i els patiments dels qui viuen al nostre voltant.

  • Promote the joy of feeling-estimats per Deu.

  • Viure l'esdevenir diari de la senzillesa evangelica.


Carrer de Sor Amparo Matheu, 6, 07141 Es Pont d'Inca, Balearic Islands, Spain

971 60 78 11 - 679 90 14 74


From dilluns to   dijous: from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Divendres: from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

mesos September, June and July: from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

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